YDI Afterschool Mentoring Program
A successful mentoring program provides mentors effective training, easy connection/interaction opportunities with mentees, and efficient communication channels with staff and other stakeholders in their mentee’s success.
Upon completing up to 6 hours of training, YDI mentors know how to confidently and cooperatively engage mentees in an intentional relationship that yields meaningful results for both parties.
In-depth and interactive instruction
YDI mentors frequently say how they receive as much as they give from the program and mentees — which is huge considering 50% of mentoring relationships fail due in part to waning mentor interest and involvement.
Our 3-part training system provides YDI mentors with in-depth, interactive instruction that is research driven, based on best practices and aligns with evidence-based models.

Dual development approach
Our dual development approach includes content for both mentors and mentees that cover:
Mentoring Defined & Rhodes’ Pathways To Mentoring Influence.
Establishing The Emotional Connection (Great Ice Breaker!).
The 3 Way Impact & 5 Stages of Mentoring.
School-based versus Community-based Mentoring Models).
Making Personalized Life Skills Development The Center of your Mentoring Model.
Group versus 1-on-1 Mentoring (why doing both is best).
Establishing A Purposeful & Practical Mentoring Meeting/Activity Schedule.